We have many number that are important in out lives, however of all the numbers we should know, the most elusive and misunderstood is the credit score or FICO.  FICO is an acronym for Fair…

The word is out…..Mary­land passed a law in 2012 requiring each County to develop a pro­gram to bet­ter man­age stormwa­ter and to cre­ate a fund to pay for those projects. In Jan­u­ary, 2013 HoCo came…

I love giving handmade gifts but, often, being a business owner, I don’t have time to make them.  That is why I do much of my gift shopping at Etsy, a market place for all…

This week I had two Broker’s Opens on my new listings.  I do a Broker’s Open to introduce a listing to other agents by enticing them there by offering lunch and at the same time…

Howard County is a great place to live, work and go to school. Did you know it is a great place for pets and their owners, too? In fact, Ellicott City is one of the…

Sitting on 142 acres of wooded land, Benjamin Banneker Historical Park brings a wealth of 18th century history and nature to nearby Oella.  But I am not sure many people know about this wonderful museum…

We all hear talk on the street about “Housing Affordability”, but I wonder if it has ever really been explained in a way that everyone could understand?  The following is the answer to my question:  …

A sure sign of warmer days is all the great produce and plants found at our area farmers’ markets. Howard County farmers’ market brings local growers and buyer together. No middle men here. Seasonal Fruits…

Making a good first impression is seldom more important than when you are trying to sell your home. The real estate industry calls that curb appeal—the attractiveness of your house to potential buyers. There are…

We all know the benefits of staging a property for sale.  Sometimes, however, attention is only focused on the interior space of the home.  Curb appeal should not be ignored, it’s essential in the success…