What’s Pinterest?

How many times have you seen a good idea or recipe online and then forget where you found it?  Well no more now that you and PIN it.

Pinterest is the newest Social Media site where you can Pin things of Interest to Bulletin Boards you create and title them for

further reference.  So for instant, I saw this great idea for Red, White and Blue Strawberries I plan to make for a July 4th event.  So, when I saw it online, I pinned it to

a July 4th Bulletin Board and when it’s time to prepare for the event, I’ll go to my PINTEREST account and pull it up. (see my idea I pined below)

I’m beginning to use Pinterest to for ideas and suggestions for my clients on Real Estate related topics such as Curb Appeal ideals, Staging suggestions and other Real Estate related ideas.

People use Pinterest to plan for events/parties, decorate their home and garden and to organize recipes.  It’s like tearing out a page in a magazine and then putting it in a book, only easier!  Now, you can just pin it to your online personal board.  You can also browse boards created by your friends or others that post photos and “repin’ those interesting, fun and inspiring things you find.

To get started, go to w

ww.pinterest.com and request and invite.  They even have a iphone icon and you can include a “follow me on pinterest” HTML code to embed.

About the Author

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Karen Ingalls